Synopsis 50 years after Leatherface's original killing spree, a group of influencers want to gentrify a rundown Texas town. Obviously, this does not go well for them.

comments Watched this with a guy who didn't like horror movies and in retrospect he may have thought it was a date. The ending to this movie sucked.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022)
Synopsis Jigsaw and his apprentice have a difference of opinion.

comments I could fix her.

Saw 3 (2006)
Synopsis Jigsaw and a detective have a long conversation about family.

comments It's a funny coincidence that Sarin is the poison of choice in this movie, given that I read the entire Wikipedia page for the Tokyo Subway Attack a day before watching this.

Saw 2 (2005)
Synopsis Probably Hitchcock's most well-known film. One of the earliest slasher movies.

comments There were moments that I genuinely wasn't expecting. I enjoyed the film overall.

Psycho (1960)
Synopsis A comedy slasher following a group of friends at their cabin in the woods.

comments The poster is what originally caught my attention. I thought the movie was funny and a nice examination of common horror tropes.

The Blackening (2022)
Synopsis A sequel/epilogue to Breaking Bad, following the character Jesse Pinkman.

comments Usually, I'm not a fan of character study films because they tend not to be executed well. This one was alright though.

El Camino (2019)
Synopsis Two guys find themselves chained up in a bathroom as part of a serial killer's game.

comments They call it "Saw" because the. Call your man saw the way he. It's s. They saw. Saw.

Saw (2004)
Synopsis The personification of grief is living in my basement.

comments I fell asleep watching this the first time. The audio mixing is bad and the kid is obnoxious.

The Babadook (2011)
Synopsis We're in New York City now. Ghostface has a gun.

comments Saw this one in theaters baybee. It was a thoroughly enjoyable experience.

Scream 6 (2023)
Synopsis It's the 25 year anniversary of the original Ghostface killings, shenanigans promptly ensue.

comments Blood spattered Skeet Ulrich just give me one chance

Scream (2022)
Synopsis Sidney returns to Woodsboro on a book tour. Ghostface has become a vlogger.

comments I absolutely love this movie. I still don't think it beats the original Scream, but it definitely comes pretty close.

Scream 4 (2011)
Synopsis After an injury leaves him homebound, a photographer takes to observing his neighbors. Shenanigans ensue.

comments My roommate's ex recommended this bc we spend so much time watching people out the window and coming up with fake names and stories for them. It was a fun watch.

Rear Window (1954)